Agresso Business World System AccountantContract $USD/YearUKLondonwww.agresso.co.uk info@agresso.co.uk +44 (0)1275 377 200 To continue the development of the implementation of ABW at organisation, developing and documenting new and existing functionality to meet the needs of the business. Ideally full time (ie: 5 days per week) however the client is prepared to accept part time working of up to 3 days per week.
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Agresso Ltd.
www.agresso.co.uk info@agresso.co.uk +44 (0)1275 377 200
Experienced Agresso Business World System Accountant required to provide the first line of support for all users in the Agresso Business World (ABW) product. Management of core ABW data including user controls and profiles. To be the primary point of contact between staff and Agresso Ltd. (and other suppliers as required) for ongoing support and maintenance activities (planned releases, patches and fault resolution) relating to ABW. Continued end-user development in the use of the ABW product, providing training to new and existing users and ensuring best practice is enforced in the use of the product